Thursday, May 15, 2008

I’m 20 Months Old

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our little girl continues to grow. Tessa is now able to upon request take her shoes and socks off. Tessa can also point to her hair/head, ears, and feet/shoe. She is also becoming more independent. Tessa is able to eat with both a spoon and fork. At times she insists on feeding herself using utensils. Tessa is also able to help putting on her jacket and can take it off with ease.

Tessa’s Third Post Op Eye Appt

Monday, May 12, 2008

Today was Tessa’s appt with the eye specialist to see if she needed to continue with eye patching. The eye doctor felt that Tessa’s eyes are still aligned and she will no longer need to wear eye patches. He will see her again near her 2nd birthday. We discussed when Tessa is excited running her left eye sometimes will turn for a second. The eye doctor feels this is still part of the adjustment process. As for her eyes at times sometimes appearing crossed the eye doctor feel this is okay and because of Tessa’s flat nose you get the illusion of her eyes seeming more crossed.

Tessa's Fourth Pediatric Appointment

Monday, April 28, 2008

Today was another routine check up. Tessa has gained another pound and grew one inch. She now weighs close to 21 pounds and is 30” tall. Her head circumference is 47 cm. Overall the pediatrician is pleased with Tessa’s development. He commented on what a change there is in her from when he first met Tessa last September.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Visiting Mommy’s Job

Saturday, April 19, 2008

This morning Michael and I brought Tessa with us while we dropped off a refrigerator and microwave for my office. While we were there we took some pictures.

Employee evaluations

Oh no, this doesn’t look good


Friday, April 18, 2008

This afternoon was the first time we had some really nice warm weather. We decided to let Tessa play in the yard and explore. Although Tessa enjoyed herself she seemed somewhat overwhelmed trying to take everything in.

I’m 19 Months Old

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Where is the time going? Tessa has had to have grown in size. Most of her 12 month old pants that were dragging on the floor now fit her nicely. I can’t wait to see her new measurements when we go to the pediatrician the end of the month. Tessa is now able to point to her head when asked. Michael also taught her when asked “Where is the sky?” to point up. Tessa is also growing more hair and is allowing me to brush her teeth using a toddler toothbrush.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Our Six Month Post Placement Homestudy Update

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This evening Bridgette, a social worker from Gladney came to do the 6 month post adoption check. Bridgette interviewed us and we had to supply her with one picture of Tessa and another of us as a family. All in all the interview went pretty well. She told us that we will need to have another homestudy update at two year mark.

Tessa’s Second Post Op Eye Appt

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today was Tessa’s appt with the eye specialist to see if the patching had helped with her alignment. Overall the doctor was pleased with Tessa’s progress. He wants Tessa’s eye to be patched daily now for only one hour. In 6-8 weeks we will return and depending on her progress Tessa may no longer need to have her eye patched. The doctor said that Tessa was using both of her eyes together and that her alignment had improved since her last appt.

During the visit Tessa cried almost the entire time. Both the doctor and his staff commented that at Tessa’s last appt when Michael was there she didn’t cry at all. I told them that I will do my best to have Michael come to the next appt in May.

Tessa’s Follow Up Ear Evaluation

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today was Tessa’s 6 month appt with the ear specialist to see if she had accumulated wax buildup since her last exam in January. Unfortunately Tessa had a lot of wax in both ears. Tessa cried so hard and was struggling to the point where the doctor had to put her in a baby papoose (a nice name for a baby straight jacket). The doctor insisted on not making the papoose tight. I warned him that Tessa was very strong but he did not listen. So just as I expected Tessa was able to wiggle her arms and body which made it hard for him to remove the wax. I felt so bad for her screaming. It must have been so uncomfortable having someone poke and then put an instrument down her ear canal. Then to top it off the doctor said until Tessa’s ear canals grow which might not be until she is 3 or 4 years old she will have to go through this procedure every six months.

Oh before I forget during the exam at one point while the nurse was holding Tessa’s head straight her left eye disappeared and all you could see was the white part and the remainder of her stitches. I nearly passed out and immediately thought that Tessa’s screaming had triggered some sort or eye spasm. The nurse asked the doctor to stop for a second so she could show me that the way she had been holding Tessa had caused her iris to stick to her eyelid.

Tessa’s Six Month Early Intervention Evaluation

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This afternoon Michael and I attended Tessa’s 6 month evaluation to see how much progress she has made and if therapies need to continue. The meeting was going well and we were able to have Tessa’s speech therapy increased to 3x/week when suddenly the representative from the Dept of Education stated that Mar had recommended that Tessa’s physical therapy be terminated. According to Mar’s summary Tessa’s gross motor skills were age appropriate and she no longer required services. Michael and I were very surprised by what Mar had written since last week when we saw him he made no mention of wanting to discontinue services. Faith, our case manager also was unaware of Mar’s summary. Truthfully Faith should have read it before handing it in but that’s a whole different issue. Thankfully Rose, the speech therapist agreed with us and after a whole rigmarole Tessa was able to resume receiving twice a week physical therapy.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Well, it’s starting to become a pattern with every holiday that one of us is ill. Just as Michael, Tessa, and I were about to sit down for Easter dinner I became ill. Unfortunately I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening alternating between the bed and bathroom. Luckily Tessa is still too young to understand the holidays.

I’m Officially 1 ½ Years Old Today

Thursday March 13, 2008

Our little girl is growing up. The time is really flying. We can definitely see that Tessa is becoming a full fledged toddler. Tessa is becoming independent and wants to do certain things all by herself. She has started to develop selective hearing and will ignore my calls when preoccupied. Tessa has also become even more finicky with her eating.

Tessa has adjusted well to wearing her eye patch. She has though since wearing her patch had some problems with her equilibrium. We’ve noticed that she is clumsier and has fallen several times. The poor child keeps getting bumps on her head. On top of being clumsy Tessa has now decided that she wants to learn how to run so walking quickly is not helping.

The Dreaded Stomach Virus

Wednesday February 20th – Wednesday March 5th

Tessa had a terrible case of stomach virus for two full weeks. This was the longest Tessa has been ill. Tessa had no appetite and lost almost 2 pounds. Unfortunately the day Tessa got over it I found myself sick. Thankfully I was only ill for 5 days.

Chinese New Year’s Party

Saturday February 16, 2008

Today was the FCC’s (Families of Children from China) annual New Year party. Tessa was they youngest child there. She seemed to really enjoy herself and was very well behaved. Tessa enjoyed eating crispy noodles dunked in my chicken soup. We spoke to other parents and learned that many of the children did not start talking until around age two.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Thursday February 14, 2008

Today was Tessa’s first Valentine’s Day with us. We gave her an Elmo doll. Tessa was just as surprised as Michael and I by all the things this doll could do. At first Tessa seemed a little afraid of Elmo. Within minutes though she warmed up to him and was laughing as Elmo moved around.

Michael also enjoyed the special Hershey’s kisses Tessa gave him that said I love you.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I’m 17 Months Old Today

Wednesday February 13, 2008

The amazement never ends. In the past month Tessa has begun walking. Although her gait at times is clumsy she is definitely walking. Tessa also had her eye surgery and her eyes seem straight. Everyone comments on what a change their is in Tessa's appearance. There also has definitely been a change in her personality since the operation. Miss Rose, her teacher at day care as also noticed that Tessa has become let’s say more “assertive” in expressing her wants. Miss Rose actually spoke to me about Tessa hitting some of the other children to get their attention. Our little girl is changing.